The University of Connecticut Police Department is an advocate for the rights of victims and witnesses. Our goal is to assist people who are victimized by violent crimes in a professional, compassionate and helpful manner.
The UCPD would like to take this opportunity to express the importance of your role within the criminal justice system. We believe and foster the approach that victims and witnesses’ well-being is vital and they are deserving of all the professional assistance we can provide to aid their concern in the criminal justice system.
The Department works closely with the UConn Women’s Center, Office of Community Standards and other University resources to assist victims and witnesses, since it is only through your cooperation that we can bring criminals to justice.
Here you will find services offered by the University and the State of Connecticut. Your cooperation and willingness to assist the UConn Police Department is sincerely appreciated.
Click here for the University of Connecticut Sexual Assault Awareness Site.
Victims of crime have certain rights defined by Connecticut and federal laws. Among these rights are notification, attendance at court proceedings, compensation/restitution, and access to information.
Constitution of the State of Connecticut
Article XXIX – Rights of Victims of Crime
In all criminal prosecutions, a victim, as the General Assembly may define by law, shall have the following rights:
- The right to be treated with fairness and respect throughout the criminal justice process;
- The right to timely disposition of the case following arrest of the accused, provided no right of the accused is abridged;
- The right to be reasonably protected from the accused throughout the criminal justice process;
- The right to notification of court proceedings;
- The right to attend the trial and all other court proceedings the accused has the right to attend, unless such person is to testify and the court determines that such person’s testimony would be materially affected if such person hears other testimony;
- The right to communicate with the prosecution;
- The right to object to or support any plea agreement entered into by the accused and the prosecution and to make a statement to the court prior to the acceptance by the court of the plea of guilty or nolo contendere by the accused;
- The right to make a statement to the court at sentencing;
- The right to restitution which shall be enforceable in the same manner as any other cause of action or as otherwise provided by law; and
- The right to information about the arrest, conviction, sentence, imprisonment and release of the accused.
The State Constitution guarantees that crime victims and their families have the right to:
- Be treated with fairness and respect throughout the criminal justice process;
- Timely disposition of the case following arrest of the accused;
- Be reasonably protected from the accused throughout the criminal justice process;
- Receive notification of court proceedings;
- Attend the trial and all other court proceedings;
- Communicate with the prosecution about the case;
- Object to or support any plea agreement entered into by the accused and the prosecution, and to make a statement to the court prior to the court accepting a plea of guilty or nolo contendere by the accused;
- Make a statement to the court at sentencing;
- Seek financial restitution;
- Information about the arrest, conviction, sentence, imprisonment and release of the accused.
This summary of legal rights is subject to the full text of the statutes. Victims are entitled to rights as set forth in the statutes.
If you don’t understand your legal rights, you may wish to talk to an attorney or contact the OVA staff. For information regarding additional rights provided to crime victims, please contact the OVA at 860.550.6632.
Download the complete guide for victims of crime here.
Department | Address | Phone | Website |
Office of Community Standards | Wilbur Cross, Room 301233 Glenbrook Rd, Unit 4119, Storrs, CT, 06269 | Phone: 860.486.8402 Fax: 860.486.8409 |
community.uconn.edu/ Email: community@uconn.edu |
Department of Residential Life | Rome Hall, Ground Floor626 Gilbert Road Extension., Unit 1022, Storrs, CT 06269 | Phone: 860.486.2926 Fax: 860.486.6191 |
reslife.uconn.edu/ |
Student Health Services | 234 Glenbrook Road, Unit 2011, Storrs, CT 06269-2011 | Phone: 860.486.4700 Fax: 860.486.5300 |
studenthealth.uconn.edu/ |
Counseling and Mental Health Services | Arjona Building, 337 Mansfield Road, Unit 1255, Storrs, CT, 06269 | Phone: 860.486.4705 Fax: 860.486.9159 |
cmhs.uconn.edu/ |
Women’s Center | 4th floor Student Union2110 Hillside Road, Unit 3118, Storrs, CT 06269-3118 | Phone: 860.486.4738 Fax: 860.486.1104 |
womenscenter.uconn.edu/ |
Office of Institutional Equity | 241 Glenbrook Road Wood Hall – Unit 4175, Storrs, CT 06269 | Phone: 860.486.2943 Fax: 860.486.6711 |
equity.uconn.edu/ Email: equity@uconn.edu |
Resource | Address | Phone | Website / Email |
Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut | Willimantic Office 90 South Park Street Willimantic, CT Office: 860.456.3595 and 860.423.7673 Hotline: 860.456.2789 Email: weconect@snet.net |
New London Office 165 State Street Suite 405 New London, CT 06320 Office: 860.442.0604 Hotline: 860.437.7766 |
saccec.org/ |
Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services, Inc. | 96 Pitkin Street East Hartford, CT 06108 |
Statewide 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline 1.888.999.5545 English 1.888.568.8332 Español Local: 860.282.9881 860.291.9335 (fax) |
endsexualviolencect.org/ |
Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield County, Inc. Rape Crisis Services |
753 Fairfield Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 |
Office: 203.334.6154 Hotline: 203.333.2233 |
Women’s Center of Greater Danbury Sexual Assault Crisis Services | 2 West Street Danbury, CT 06810 |
Office: 203.731.5200 Hotline: 203.731.5204 |
thecenterct.org/ Email: womens.cntr@snet.net |
Women and Families Center | Meriden office 169 Colony Street Meriden, CT 06451 Office: 203.235.9297 |
Middletown office 100 Riverview Center Suite 274 Middletown, CT 06457 Office: 860.344.1474 |
womenfamilies.org/ |
Women and Families Center | New Haven Office 1440 Whalley Avenue New Haven, CT 06515 |
Office: 203.389.5010 Hotline: 203.389.9700 |
womenfamilies.org/ |
Rape Crisis Center of Milford | 70 West River Street Milford, CT 06460 |
Office: 203.874.8712 Hotline: 203.878.1212 |
rapecrisiscenterofmilford.org/ |
YWCA of New Britain Sexual Assault Crisis Services | New Britain Office 22 Glen Street, New Britain, CT Office: 860-2254681 Hotline: 860-2231787 |
Hartford Office 60 Gillet Street, Suite 401 Hartford, CT 06105 Office: 860.241.9217 Hotline: 860.547.1022 |
ywcanewbritain.org/ |
The Rowan Center | 111 Summer Street Suite 202 Stamford, CT 06905 |
Office: 203.348.9346 Hotline: 888.999.5545 |
Email: info@therowancenter.org |
Susan B. Anthony Project | 179 Water Street Torrington, CT 06790 |
Office: 860.489.3798 Hotline: 860.482.7133 |
sbaproject.org/ |
Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury | 29 Central Avenue Waterbury, CT 06721 |
Office: 203.753.3613 Hotline: 203.753.3613 |
safehavengw.org/ |
Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence
Statewide Toll Free (24 hr.): 1.888.774.2900
Contact for Advocacy, emergency shelter, counseling and other services.
Town of Mansfield Department of Social Services
The Department of Human Services offers a wide array of support to address the social and behavioral health needs of children, youth, adults, seniors and families, as well as the community at large. These services include:
Counseling and therapy: Professional staff provide assistance to individuals and families through a process of brief, solution-focused counseling
Crisis intervention, including critical incident debriefing services
Problem assessment and referral to outside resources, including public and private agencies
Human Services
Audrey P Beck Municipal Building 4 South Eagleville Road, Mansfield, CT 06268
Youth Service Bureau
Audrey P. Beck Municipal Building 4 South Eagleville Road, Mansfield, CT 06268
Senior Services
Mansfield Senior & Wellness Center 303 Maple Road, Storrs, CT 06268
Office of Victim Services
The Office of Victim Services (OVS), Connecticut Judicial Branch, is the state’s lead agency established to provide aid to victims of violent crime.
The OVS is located at 225 Spring St., Fourth Floor, Wethersfield, Connecticut and can be reached via email at OVS@jud.ct.gov or by calling:
Contact Us | Phone | Toll-free |
Administration | 860.263.2760 | 800.822.8428 |
Services | 860.263.2760 | 800.822.8428 |
Compensation | 860.263.2761 | 888.286.7347 |
Telecommunications Relay Service | TDD/TT Users: Call 711 or 1.800.842.9710 |
Voice Callers: Call 711 or 1.800.833.8134 |
Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN)
The SAVIN program offers crime victims and interested individuals the opportunity to register for notification about certain court events.
To register by telephone, call 1.877.VINE.4CT
Register online at: vinelink.com
To speak with an OVS victim advocate, call 1.800.822.8428
For additional Information on Victim Services, call or visit:
INFO-Line (24 hour service) 211
Elder Abuse (M-F, 7:00am – 4:30pm) 1.888.385.4225
Child Abuse Care Line (24 hr.) 1.800.842.2288
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) (24hr) 1.800.544.3690
Survivors of Homicide (24 hr.) 860.257.7388
Office of the Victim Advocate (M-F, 7:30am-4:30pm) 1.888.771.3126 (Victim Rights Assistance)
State of Connecticut Office of Victims Services (OVS) https://www.jud.ct.gov/crimevictim/
The Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. (CCADV) ctcadv.org/
Connecticut Judicial Branch Domestic Violence jud.ct.gov/lawlib/Law/domesticviolence.htm
What Is Stalking?
Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.
Stalking can include:
- Repeated, unwanted, intrusive and frightening communications from the perpetrator by phone, mail or email.
- Repeatedly leaving or sending the victim unwanted items, presents or flowers.
- Following or laying in wait for the victim at places such as home, school, work or a recreation place.
- Making direct or indirect threats to harm the victim, the victim’s children, relatives, friends or pets.
- Damaging or threatening to damage the victim’s property.
- Harassing the victim through the internet.
- Posting information or spreading rumors about the victim on the internet, in a public place or by word of mouth.
- Obtaining personal information about the victim by accessing public records, using internet search services, hiring private investigators, going through the victim’s garbage, following the victim, contacting the victim’s friends, family, work, or neighbors, etc.
Source: Stalking Resource Center, National Center for Victims of Crime
What to Do If You Are Being Stalked
- Trust your instincts. Victims of stalking often feel pressured by friends or family to downplay the stalker’s behavior, but stalking poses a real threat of harm. Your safety is paramount.
- Call the police if you feel you are in any immediate danger. Explain why even some actions that seem harmless – like leaving you a gift – are causing you fear.
- Keep a record or log of each contact with the stalker. Be sure to document any police reports.
- Stalkers often use technology to contact their victims. Save all emails, text messages, photos and postings on social networking sites as evidence of the stalking behavior.
- Get connected with a local victim advocate to talk through your options and discuss safety planning. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1.800.799.SAFE.