The UConn Police Department will be offering limited fingerprinting services until further notice. This service will be offered only to those affiliated with UConn and who have a legal requirement for fingerprinting (Board of Education, childcare, etc). Individuals meeting these criteria should come to UConn Police Headquarters on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm. There is no charge and no appointment is needed within that timeframe.
Anyone who is currently sick or experiencing any symptoms associated with Covid-19 is asked to delay scheduling an appointment until the individual has been symptom free for 14 days.
You will need to pre-register with the Connecticut Criminal History Request System to get fingerprinting on the following website: Connecticut Criminal History Request System and have a valid form of identification.
If you do not pre-register on the above link you will be not be able to be fingerprinted that day.
If you have any questions, please contact Sergeant Thomas Brinsko at thomas.brinsko@uconn.edu.