The Records Unit is staffed by a clerk and supervised by a police administrator. The Records clerk is responsible for collecting and maintaining complete and accurate records, distributing and processing investigative and court paperwork on all individuals arrested, as well as maintaining files and entering data into the department’s records management system.
The Records unit submits crime analysis reports and statistics to the Connecticut State Police Bureau of Identification (SPBI) as well as the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program.
We understand that coming in contact with a police department can be anxiety provoking. If at some point it becomes necessary for you to contact us, there are some tips below about records procedures that will put you at ease and help us serve you in the most professional manner possible.
Like all government agencies, the UConn Police Department is required under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to disclose certain records requested in writing by a person. Each state has its own public access laws that should be consulted for access to local records. You may find more information on this at the Connecticut Freedom of Information website.
Copies of reports may be requested in person, by web request or by mail. Please complete the Request for Investigation Report.
The officers have as long as needed to complete investigations. If your report is not available for release, you will be notified.
There are no restrictions on release unless criminal charges were filed in relation to the accident. Public release must await final court disposition of any criminal charges.
These case records are not accessible while the investigation is active.
Arrest reports are not available for release until the case has been decided by the court. Requests for such reports can be made directly to the court. UConn is served by Geographical Area 19 in Rockville (GA19). For directions and contact information, click here: Geographical Area 19 at Rockville directions page.
Access to these is denied by Sec. 1-216 of Connecticut State Statute: Review and destruction of records consisting of uncorroborated allegations of criminal activity. Except for records the retention of which is otherwise controlled by law or regulation, records of law enforcement agencies consisting of uncorroborated allegations that an individual has engaged in criminal activity shall be reviewed by the law enforcement agency one year after the creation of such records. If the existence of the alleged criminal activity cannot be corroborated within ninety days of the commencement of such review, the law enforcement agency shall destroy such records.
All requests for information must be made to the juvenile court. The police are statutorily forbidden from releasing juvenile arrest information. The Superior Court Juvenile Matters has a venue system which differs from the adult courts.
Please go to Court Directions – CT Judicial Branch for the addresses of the Connecticut Juvenile Courts. The juvenile case would be assigned to the jurisdiction of the court where the juvenile resides.
The identities of certain persons are exempted from disclosure by statute: sexual assault and risk of injury victims, certain witnesses (as well as signed statements from witnesses) and confidential sources.
If you’re anticipating new employment, adoption or visas for foreign travel, bring a photo ID to the records unit and we will be happy to do a records check for you. Only UConn Police Department records will be searched. For a statewide criminal history check, you may visit the State Police Bureau of Identification at CT State Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
You may also access certain judicial records (criminal, civil, & motor vehicle) at the following Connecticut Judicial website .
Criminal Record checks, copies of Incident Reports, Motor Vehicle Accident Reports and other information maintained by the Records Division of the UConn Police Department can be obtained by placing your request in writing.
- Criminal Records checks: A written request, either mailed or hand-carried in person to the Department, indicating the name of the person requesting the check, the reason and a means of identification of the requestor.
- Motor Vehicle Accident Reports: A written request, either mailed or hand-carried in person to the Department from an involved person or a representative such as an insurance company. Please complete the Request for Investigation Report
- Other information: Normal procedure is by written request that is mailed, hand-carried in or faxed to: 860-486-2430.